Plate Tectonics in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
For this assignment I wanted to find some research related to the Sierra Nevada Mountains because it is such a large mountain range that I live right next to. I found a cool article about the formation of this specific mountain range. This was article written by Jennifer Chu from MIT, "Study: Parts of the Sierra Nevada formed in a “geologic instant,” more than twice as fast as previously thought." She discusses research done by scientists from MIT who took samples from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, they used geochronology to find the age of the area. They discovered that the process of plate tectonics and volcanic formations the mountain range was formed much faster than originally thought. They beleive that the age of the mountains is around 1.39 million years old, which is very fast in geological rates. Jennifer Chu says that it was, "More than twice as fast as expected for the region. The researchers attribute the rapid formation of land to a massive flare-up of magma....